Wwwwwwaaaaaaaaa~ I cant wait HARRY POTTER 7 part 1 in coming in NOV 18~ aaaaarrrrrhhhhh~ I really gonna crazy~ Love Harry Potter~ Love J K Rowling~
I read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows two years ago~ Love this novel a lot~ Luckily Harry, Hermione and Ron did not die in the end~ bt still a lot of ppl sacrificed at the end like Rufus Scringeour ( The Principle), Professor Snape, Alastor Mad-Eye Moody, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Frend Weasley and so on. There are total 57 ppl died in this novel~J.K Rowling said would be last part of Harry Potter~ hoh~ how can~ Harry Potter in the best story~ it is came when harry was young, that the characters become elder as the reader~